
F l o v" e r 2010 _live preformance vision

HUANG, Po-Chih used a large number of authentic scanning images to produce frame-like freeze images. In the video, the changes of flower’s growth seemed to tell some sort of story to the audiences. The images and sound were piled up like the style of drawing. At the same time, it created the tension of sensation and meanwhile accumulated the emotion from the audiences. The sound was picked up from daily source; therefore, the performer used this kind of way to tell the life experiences. He attempted to use the vibration of sound waves to interact with audiences and then they will have resonance.

黃博志利用大量的實物掃描圖檔,製造出定格動畫般的影像,影片中,花朵狀態的轉變,彷彿在對觀眾訴說某些故事的情節,影像與聲音如同繪畫的筆觸,一層一層 堆疊,營造感官的張力,也累積著聽眾的情緒。聲音擷取日常生活中的素材,創作者用此方式與聆聽者傾訴生命的經驗,企圖透過聲波的震動,以更直接的方式接觸 觀眾,並與之產生共鳴。

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失聲祭 Lacking Sound Festival Listen 38