Sweet Dream
Title:Sweet Dream
Material:Digital Image
Format :Single-channel video/sound installation ( 4:3 vertical projection )
''Sweet Dream'' creates fluid images with the help of a scanner. During scanning, the body parts are intentionally dragged or pulled, so to produce residual, lengthened, or 3D images. Moving the scanner also creates overlapping or misplaced effect. The familiar shapes of the body, whether it frowns, closes eyes, curls, stretches or is squeezed, thus forms dynamic frame in the fast or slow flow composed by the tens of thousands consecutive images.
The high resolution of the scanner helps present a microcosmic photography-like quality. I scratched my skin before scanning so that my enlarged pores, grazed and scabbing skin are all shown in different quality than the normal skin. After the processing like the base of painting, the scanned images consist of multi-layers effects.
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